RM Gardens is proud to provide customers with the highest quality products, supplies and support throughout their online shopping journey and delivery. We’re committed to helping you conquer your gardening tasks, from nutrients to your plants to starting a worm farm. Check out our inventory to see what we have to offer for your next project.
Not only are we providing organic gardening supplies and tips but our mission is promote sustainability from recycling to growing your own food to reducing waste to conserving energy, every little effort we make at home contributes to a healthier planet. Let's inspire each other to make mindful choices and create a greener future together. Small steps at home can make a big impact on our planet. Sign up to the community and be a sustainability partner with us!
Meet the Founder
Hey beautiful people,
My name is Shavonie Baltimore, I have been playing in the dirt since childhood. I love watching plants grow and my worms.
I am passionate about sustainable practices to better serve our environment and on a mission to do my part. I want to share the joys that gardening brings me and spread the importance of sustainability.
It is urgent for us to develop these important practices as our planet depends on it. Let's work together to spread the mission and share the knowledge in our own communities. Become a sustainability partner with me today! Together we can accomplish much more!